
Implementation of R&D activities, creating APV products

Co-funded by the European

UAB “Benme“, together with the project partner UAB “Corner Case Technologies“, has secured a partial investment from the European Union to create a high-added-value digital platform on which companies could respond to employees' needs by offering a more competitive and attractive benefits package.

During the development of the project, the product will meet the following needs:

  • Personal benefits. The platform will enable companies to offer personalized employee benefits, showing them special attention. It can make a significant contribution to employee well-being, work productivity and personal development and will also act as an important motivational tool;
  • Analytics. Advanced analytics will help companies better understand their employees' needs and optimize benefits packages;
  • Benefits market-store. Many proposals from partners in various fields will be presented, the check return system will be developed, and companies will be given the opportunity to draw up budgets with different benefits for their employees, thus creating even more convenient and flexible conditions for employee recognition and evaluation.

The goal of this project is to create and present to the market a digital employee benefits management platform that would provide companies with a variety of tools to create more competitive and attractive benefits packages for their employees.

This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation.

Project No: 02-019-K-0063.

Project name: Implementation of R&D activities, creating APV products UAB “Benme“.

Project applicant: UAB “Benme“.

Project partner: UAB “Corner Case Technologies“.

Total value of the project: 917 960 EUR.

Co-financed part: 670 236 EUR.

Start of the project: 2024-05.

End of the project: 2026-07.

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